How I Break Writers Block. Reading and Commenting is My Inspiration.

Medium has turned into the perfect forum of give and take. I take advice, learn and read. If inspired, I jot down my thoughts with a comment.

Freedom Rebel
2 min readApr 7, 2024

It is the perfect balance. When not inspired to write, I read and comment.

Confession. I read Medium for years without an account. I would bootleg free articles using different or covert browsers. No account, no ability to comment.

Not until I decided to write something did I sign up. I can’t tell you how many times I have wanted to comment but couldn’t. I didn’t have an account.

About 6 months ago, I penned my first article and joined the community. I believe there is much value in the comment section.

The comment section gets me thinking. The author kicks off the topic with what they think and their experience. Then the community joins in.

I am not a fan off simple comments like. “Nice Article”, or “I get that” in response to a highlighted sentence. These are nice sweet comments, but the social equivalent to the response “Fine” when asked “How are you doing?”. Nothing substantial.



Freedom Rebel

Aspiring Curmudgeon who loves his wife, tennis, motorcycling, playing piano, women & maybe writing. Sober since 19. Engineer by degree, RE Broker by trade.