If You’re Not Pissing Off Somebody, Then You Aren’t Doing It Right.

Freedom Rebel
6 min readApr 21, 2024

I am in real estate sales. Have been for 34 years.

Salespeople tend to be people pleasers. I am no exception. It’s in my DNA to help people and try to solve their problems.

But you can’t please everyone. If you are successful, you will piss off some. Small minded angry little people will try to destroy your will to succeed and bring you down to their level.

Don’t let them do it.

Just yesterday I got a nasty message from somebody that came through my open house. It was a voice mail from an “Unknown” number. What a surprise. I will get to the exact content of this voicemail but let me digress with the most common complaint I receive.

I market my business to 6,000 homes. Dropping marketing materials at their front door. A typical marketing piece might be a flyer of a new listing or past sales. Maybe a notepad, refrigerator calendar magnet or a newsletter written by yours truly.

I have a crew of housewives that drop the marketing pieces at the door. If you are in one of these 6,000 homes, you might get a marketing piece from us up to 4 times a year.

Once or twice a year, I get some nasty voice mail. It goes something like this.



Freedom Rebel

Aspiring Curmudgeon who loves his wife, tennis, motorcycling, playing piano, women & maybe writing. Sober since 19. Engineer by degree, RE Broker by trade.