Is California Dreaming? I have an Uneasy Feeling.

While California is Dreaming, I will be leaving for a new life in South Carolina.

Freedom Rebel
11 min readJun 5, 2024

As I write, I am also negotiating the sale of my 2 million dollar Long Beach, CA home. I am 62 years old and have been a California resident for forty years. I moved to California right after college.

Hughes Aircraft hired me out of engineering school. I worked at Hughes for 5 years. For the last 35 years I have been a full-time real estate broker. A little more background, I grew up in Westchester County, NY, Chappaqua to be specific and College was Tufts University, just outside Boston.

California has been good to me. I can’t imagine a better quality of life while making excellent money. When I moved here in 1984, the LA Olympics had just finished, Regan was starting his second term and Randy Newman’s song “I Love LA” was a hit on the radio. LA was alive, growing and had a great vibe.

However, I have uneasy feelings that residents of this now liberal state will suffer. I am voting with my feet and my dollars and leaving. I don’t know what will be the exact downside of its poor fiscal policy, but I don’t want to find out.

California and states with high-cost structures have likely seen better days. Their finances are…



Freedom Rebel

Aspiring Curmudgeon who loves his wife, tennis, motorcycling, playing piano, women & maybe writing. Sober since 19. Engineer by degree, RE Broker by trade.