Preparing Myself and My home for Retirement has Taught Me Two Things

Freedom Rebel
3 min readApr 16, 2024
Garage full of stuff — Dog not for sale.

One. I have way too much crap!

I have lived in a large home for the last 22 years. Living in a large home gives you the opportunity to collect way too much.

I am jettisoning more than half of my crap. Only retaining basics and items of value.

On some level, I am embarrassed and ashamed because thinning out highlights just how wasteful I have been. A lot is being donated, but much is just getting thrown out.

Should I be ashamed? Maybe.

Will I avoid doing this again? I hope so.

My second lesson is that I don’t want a big home. I built my current home. It was a passion project. The home has 16 foot high glass walls and a 40 foot long skylight. It is a unique structure. But it isn’t simple by any means. Maintenance is significant.

The larger the home the more the maintenance. The more complex the home, the more the maintenance. Note to self, buy something smaller and simpler next time.

Author’s home getting fresh paint

The home is getting a quick face lift prior to sale. 10k for paint, 7k for carpeting, 5k refinishing…



Freedom Rebel

Aspiring Curmudgeon who loves his wife, tennis, motorcycling, playing piano, women & maybe writing. Sober since 19. Engineer by degree, RE Broker by trade.