What Motivates Men in a Relationship and How to Prevent Being Shit Tested

In a book about titans of industry, a self-made billionaire was asked “What motivated you?”. His simple answer. “My secretary was cute, and I wanted to impress her.”

Freedom Rebel
8 min readApr 18, 2024

This man’s story of struggle and achievement has resonated with me because it is true.

Women, this is the power you hold over men. Many of us will do just about anything for you, to a point. What is that point? Maybe my experience can shed some light.


In high school I was always good at math and science. English and language, not so much. So when I got a B in high school French class, I was pretty damn proud of myself. I probably studied 3 times harder for that B than the A’s I got in math and science.

When reviewing my report card with my mother, I felt pretty good. My typical not so good English or language moved up to a B. My mother’s response. “Well, that’s great, maybe next time you can get an A”.

The perfect example of a back handled complement. It took the wind right out of my sails.

At best I was a “B” student in French. I saw no path to being an “A” student in this…



Freedom Rebel

Aspiring Curmudgeon who loves his wife, tennis, motorcycling, playing piano, women & maybe writing. Sober since 19. Engineer by degree, RE Broker by trade.